Norm’s Helium Loops

22-23 March 2025 – Salcombe Regis
Backyard Ultras have become popular in recent years but this isn’t one. New event format for 2024 and 2025.
- Our event will run for a maximum time of 24 hours (2pm on Saturday 22nd – 2pm on Sunday 23rd March 2025)
- Complete as many 5.5km loops as you can. Each loop involves climbing 250m. No time limit per loop!
- 4 loops will be a half marathon distance but with a crushing 1,000m height gain
- Complete 8 loops for a marathon
- Complete 18 loops for 100km
- Complete 30 loops in 24 hours for 100 miles!
- “Norm’s Lightweight” option, same as above but a maximum of 8hrs
- “Norm’s Half Marathon” a 4 loop race on Sunday morning at 9:30am
- Norm’s Helium Loops is open to individuals and pairs (pairs will participate as a relay, with one runner on the course at a time. You can run as many loops as you like before swapping over. You can swap as many times as you like).
What’s included?
- Fully marked course
- Indoor event HQ, with toilets, showers and refreshments
- First aid cover
- Norm’s Helium Loops memento for all participants
- Prize for overall winner
- Camping on Saturday night is included for everyone entered on Norm’s Helium Loops. It is available for participants on Norm’s Lightweight and any supporters to book separately for £16pp.
Norm’s Helium Loops Participant Information 2024
Record holders in 24hrs:
James Bennett 26 loops
Kate Bennett 22 loops
Norm’s Helium Loops results 2022
Norm’s Helium Loops results 2023

Norm’s Helium Loop map